Pack Your Bags: Managing Distributed Applications with CNAB

class: center, middle

Pack your bags

Managing Distributed Applications with CNAB

name: setup

Workshop Setup

It can take a while for things to download and install over the workshop wifi, so please go to the workshop materials directory and follow the setup instructions to get all the materials ready.

.center[👩🏽‍✈️ 👩🏽‍✈️ ]

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with your Docker Hub account, or create one if you don’t already have an account.
  3. Click Add new instance
  4. Install Porter
    curl | bash
    export PATH=$PATH:~/.porter
  5. Clone the workshop repository
    git clone
    cd porter/workshop

name: agenda


  1. What is CNAB? - 15 minutes
  2. See some bundles - 10 minutes
  3. Build a bundle from scratch - 20 minutes
  4. Walkthrough Porter - 10 minutes
  5. The state of CNAB - 5 minutes
  6. Choose your own adventure - 30 minutes

name: introductions


Carolyn Van Slyck

Senior Software Engineer

Microsoft Azure

Jeremy Rickard

Senior Software Engineer

Microsoft Azure

name: hi exclude: true

Stop and Say Hi

  1. Move up to the front tables.
  2. Introduce yourself to at least 2 people next to you.
  3. Find out what they enjoy working on.
  4. Share what talks or parts of Velocity they are looking forward to.

name: kickoff class: center, middle exclude: true

First A Quick Demo!

What is an application

name: cnab

What’s a CNAB?

name: use-cases

When would you use a bundle?

  1. Install the tools to manage your app: helm, aws/azure/gcloud, terraform
  2. Deploy an app along with its infra: cloud storage, dns entry, load balancer, ssl cert
  3. Get software and its dependencies into airgapped networks
  4. Manage disparate operational tech: such as Helm, Chef, or Terraform, across teams and departments

class: center, middle exclude: true

Let’s Answer That With A Story!

class: center, middle exclude: true

The Cast

class: center, middle exclude: true


.center[ you, a developer ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

Your friend!

.center[ your friend, a computer user ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

Your friend!

.center[ your friend, a computer user ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

Your App!

.center[ it’s the journey that matters ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

Your Fans!

.center[ trending ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

Act One!

class: center, middle exclude: true

You Built an App

.center[ you again it’s the journey that matters ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

It Runs Happily In The Cloud

exclude: true

….your cloud

.center[ that’s a bingo ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

Act Two!

class: center, middle exclude: true

Your Friend Wants To Run It!

.center[ your friend, a computer user ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

How exciting!

exclude: true

So you write extensive docs

.center[ you fight for the users ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

You are no longer friends…

.center[ you fight for the users ]


class: center, middle exclude: true

So you work together…

.center[ pair programming ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

Then you help a few more people…

.center[ go team ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

Act Three!

class: center, middle exclude: true

Suddenly McGuffin has FANS!

.center[ all the github stars!!! ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

This won’t scale…

.center[ nobody wants to do this ]

class: center, middle exclude: true

So what do we do…

.center[ this is my thinking face ]

class: center

Containers ship our application

.center[ ship it ]

class: middle

… but don’t install everything

This is what CNAB solves

  • Package All The Logic To Make Your App Happen
  • Allow Consumer To Verify Everything They Will Install
  • Distribute Them In Verifiable Way

class: center, middle

How it works

.center[ workflow magic ]


Try it out: Install a bundle

$ porter install --reference deislabs/porter-hello-devopsdays:latest

name: anatomy class: center, middle

Anatomy of a Bundle

.center[ so what is it ]

Application Images

  • CNAB doesn’t change this
  • Build your application like you do now

The Invocation Image

  • MSI for the Cloud
  • It’s a Docker Image
  • It contains all the tools you need to install your app
  • It contains configuration, metadata, templates, etc

class: center, middle

The Invocation Image

.center[ so what is it ]

The Bundle Descriptor

  • JSON!
  • List of the invocation image(s) with digests
  • List of the application image(s) with digests
  • Definitions for inputs and outputs
  • Can be signed

CNAB Specification

  • The Bundle format
  • Defines how things are passed into and out of the invocation image
  • A required entrypoint in invocation image
  • Well-defined verbs
    • Install
    • Upgrade
    • Uninstall

Are we done?

  • We can install (complicated) things
  • We can verify what we are going to install
  • But how do we distribute bundles?

class: center

Sharing Images With OCI Registries

how docker shares

name: registry class: center, middle

OCI Regristry ~ Docker Registry

Distributing App and Invocation Images is solved

So what about the bundle?

It turns out OCI can help here too…

OCI Registries Can Store Lots of Things

  • CNAB today is working within the OCI Spec (not optimal)
  • CNAB Spec group working with OCI to improve this

class: center

Sharing Bundles With OCI Registries

how oci shares bundles

class: center, middle exclude: true

An Example: Azure MySQL + Wordpress

.center[ ]

class: center, middle

Let’s make some bundles!

.center[ 🚨 Not Setup Yet? 🚨


name: hello class: center


Whale Hello

.center[ whale saying hello ]

porter create

$ porter create --help
Create a bundle. This generates a porter bundle in the current directory.


The most important file. Edit and check this in. Everything else is optional.

Explains the other files in detail


Optional template for your bundle’s invocation image


Suggested set of files to ignore in git


Suggested set of files to not include in your bundle


  - exec

name: HELLO
version: 0.1.0
description: "An example Porter configuration"
tag: getporter/porter-hello

  - exec:
      description: "Install Hello World"
      command: bash
        c: echo Hello World

Try it out: porter create

$ mkdir hello

$ cd hello

$ porter create
creating porter configuration in the current directory

$ ls
Dockerfile.tmpl  porter.yaml

porter build

$ porter build --help
Builds the bundle in the current directory by generating a Dockerfile 
and a CNAB bundle.json, and then building the invocation image.

Try it out: porter build

$ porter build

Copying dependencies ===>
Copying porter runtime ===>
Copying mixins ===>
Copying mixin exec ===>
Generating Dockerfile =======>
Writing Dockerfile =======>
Starting Invocation Image Build =======>
Generating Bundle File with Invocation Image porter-hello:latest =======>
Generating parameter definition porter-debug ====>

What did Porter do? 🔎


FROM debian:stable-slim
COPY --from=0 /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt


COPY .cnab /cnab
RUN rm -fr ${BUNDLE_DIR}/.cnab
# exec mixin has no buildtime dependencies

CMD ["/cnab/app/run"]

.footnote[🚨 Generated by Porter]


$ tree .cnab/
├── app
│  ├── mixins
│  │  └── exec
│  │      ├── exec
│  │      └── exec-runtime
│  ├── porter-runtime
│  └── run
└── bundle.json


#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec /cnab/app/porter-runtime run -f /cnab/app/porter.yaml

.footnote[🚨 Generated by Porter]


    "description": "An example Porter bundle",
    "invocationImages": [
            "image": "deislabs/porter-hello-devopsdays-installer:latest",
            "imageType": "docker"
    "name": "porter-hello-devopsdays",
    "parameters": {
        "fields": {
            "porter-debug": {
                "definition": "porter-debug",
                "description": "Print debug information from Porter when executing the bundle",
                "destination": {
                    "env": "PORTER_DEBUG"
    "definitions": { ...

.footnote[🚨 Generated by Porter]

porter install

$ porter install --help
Install a bundle.

The first argument is the name of the claim to create for the installation. 
The claim name defaults to the name of the bundle.

  -c, --credential-set strings         Credential to use when installing the bundle. 
  -f, --file string          Path to the bundle file to install.
      --param strings        Define an individual parameter in the form NAME=VALUE.
      --param-file strings   Path to a parameters definition file for the bundle

name: execution

CNAB: What Executes Where

cloud picture

Try it out: porter install

$ porter install

installing HELLO...
executing porter install configuration from /cnab/app/porter.yaml
Install Hello World
Hello World
execution completed successfully!

name: talkback

Talk Back

  • What tools do you use to deploy?
  • Is it to a cloud? On-premise?
  • Are you using a mix of tooling and platforms?
  • What does your deployment lifecycle look like?

name: terraform

A tale of two bundles

You can find these bundles in this repository under and workshop/scratch/azure and workshop/porter-tf/azure

CNAB The Hardway

name: mellamo class: center


Hi, My Name is _

.center[ como se llamo me llamo llama ]


Variables in your bundle that you can specify when you execute the bundle and are loaded into the bundle either as environment variables or files.

Define a Paramer

- name: name
  type: string
  default: llama

Use a Parameter

- "echo Hello, ${ }
  • Needs double quotes around the yaml entry
  • Needs double curly braces around the templating
  • Uses the format bundle.parameters.PARAMETER_NAME

??? Explain defaults and when parameters are required

Try it out: Print Your Name

Modify the hello bundle to print “Hello, YOUR NAME”, for example “Hello, Aarti”, using a parameter.

  1. Edit the porter.yaml to define a parameter named name.
  2. Use the parameter in the install action and echo your name.
  3. Rebuild your bundle with porter build.
  4. Finally run porter install --param name=YOUR_NAME and look for your name in the output.

porter list

$ porter list
HELLO_LLAMA   5 seconds ago   3 seconds ago   install       success
HELLO         8 minutes ago   8 minutes ago   install       success

name: claims


Claims are records of any actions performed by CNAB compliant tools on a bundle.

$ porter bundle show HELLO
Created: 8 minutes ago
Modified: 8 minutes ago
Last Action: install
Last Status: success

name: cleanup-hello

Cleanup Hello World

First run porter uninstall without any arguments:

$ porter uninstall
uninstalling HELLO...
executing porter uninstall configuration from /cnab/app/porter.yaml
Uninstall Hello World
Goodbye World
execution completed successfully!

Now run porter uninstall with the name you used for the modified bundle:

$ porter uninstall HELLO_LLAMA
uninstalling HELLO_LLAMA...
executing porter uninstall configuration from /cnab/app/porter.yaml
Uninstall Hello llama
Goodbye llama
execution completed successfully!

Publishing Bundles

Use porter publish to share bundles:

  • Publishes both the invocation image and the CNAB bundle manifest to an OCI registry.
  • Uses Docker tags for both
version: 0.1.0
description: "An example Porter configuration with moar llamas"
tag: "YOURNAME/porter-hello-llama"

Modify the bundle

Let’s make this bundle yours by changing it from the deislabs Docker Hub registry to your own:

  1. Open porter.yaml

  2. Find the invocationImage and the tag fields, and then change deislabs to your docker username.

    They should now look like this:

    invocationImage: "YOURNAME/porter-hello-llama:latest"
    tag: "YOURNAME/porter-hello-llama-bundle:latest"
  3. Save and close the file.

porter publish

$ porter publish --help
Publishes a bundle by pushing the invocation image and bundle to a registry.

  porter publish

Try it out: Publish your bundle

$ porter publish

If you run into trouble here, here are a few things to check:

  • Make sure that you updated the invocationImage and tag to use your docker hub username
  • Log into docker hub with docker login

Try it out: Install the bundle

$ porter install --reference YOURNAME/porter-hello-llama:v0.1.0 --param name=YOURNAME

class: center, middle exclude: true


bring in the other slides that explain porter meta data, mixins, parameters and credentials

publish, install from our our tag before #4 I may be comforable with terraform and I know what credentials / parameters are needed The person who writes the bundle isn’t the person who runs the bundle

5 goes away

name: wordpress class: center exclude: true



exclude: true

porter credentials generate

$ porter credentials generate --help
Generate a named set of credentials.

The first argument is the name of credential set you wish to generate. If not
provided, this will default to the bundle name. By default, Porter will
generate a credential set for the bundle in the current directory. You may also
specify a bundle with --file.

Bundles define 1 or more credential(s) that are required to interact with a
bundle. The bundle definition defines where the credential should be delivered
to the bundle, i.e. at /home/nonroot/.kube. A credential set, on the other hand,
represents the source data that you wish to use when interacting with the
bundle. These will typically be environment variables or files on your local
file system.

When you wish to install, upgrade or delete a bundle, Porter will use the
credential set to determine where to read the necessary information from and
will then provide it to the bundle in the correct location.

exclude: true

Wordpress Credential Mapping


name: wordpress
- name: kubeconfig
    path: /Users/carolynvs/.kube/config


- name: kubeconfig
  path: /home/nonroot/.kube/config

name: hack exclude: true

A quick hack

If you are using for Docker for Desktop with Kubernetes

  1. Copy $HOME/.kube/config to $HOME/.kube/internal-config
  2. Edit internal-config and change the server from localhost to host.docker.internal
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
    server: https://host.docker.internal:6443
  name: docker-for-desktop-cluster

Specify this config file for porter credentials generate on the next slide for the kubeconfig.

exclude: true

Try it out: porter credentials generate

Generate a set of credentials for the wordpress bundle in this repository.

  1. Change to the wordpress directory under the workshop materials
  2. Run porter build
  3. Run porter credentials generate and follow the interactive prompts to create a set of credentials for the wordpress bundle.

??? we all do this together

exclude: true

Try it out: porter install –credential-set

Install the wordpress bundle and pass it the named set of credentials that you generated.

$ porter install --credential-set wordpress

name: cleanup-wordpress exclude: true

Cleanup Wordpress

$ porter uninstall --credential-set wordpress

??? Explain why –credential-set is required again for uninstall

name: author class: center, middle

Authoring Bundles

name: manifest

Porter Manifest In-Depth


name: porter-workshop-tf 
version: 0.1.0
description: "An example using Porter to build the from scratch bundle"
tag: getporter/porter-workshop-tf


Declare any mixins that you are going to use

  - azure
  - terraform

name: parameters


Define parameters that the bundle requires.

  - name: location
    type: string
    default: "EastUS"

  - name: server-name
    type: string

  - name: database-name
    type: string

name: credentials


Define credentials that the bundle requires and where they should be placed in the bundle when it is executing:

  • environment variables (env)
  • files (path)
  - name: subscription_id

  - name: tenant_id

  - name: client_id

  - name: client_secret


Variables that can be specified when the bundle is executed that are associated with the identity of the user executing the bundle, and are loaded into the bundle either as environment variables or files.

They are mapped from the local system using named credential sets, instead of specified on the command-line.

name: creds-v-params

Credentials vs. Parameters


  • Application Configuration
  • Stored in the claim
  • 🚨 Available in plaintext on the local filesystem


  • Identity of the user executing the bundle
  • Is not stored in the claim
  • Has to be presented every time you perform an action

name: passwords

Credentials, Passwords and Sensitive Data

  • Credentials are for data identifying data associated with a user. They are re-specified every time you run a bundle, and are not stored in the claim.
  • Parameters can store sensitive data using the sensitive flag. This prevents the value from being printed to the console.
  • We (porter) and the CNAB spec are working on more robust storage mechanisms for claims with sensitive data, and better ways to pull data from secret stores so that they don’t end up on the file system unencrypted.

In all honesty this area is a work in progress. I would shove anything sensitive in a credential for now but be aware of the distinction and where the CNAB spec is moving.

name: outputs

Bundle Outputs

Often, a bundle will produce something. This might be a new certificate, a hostname, or some other piece of information. Bundle Outputs are used to provide this information back to the CNAB runtime.

    type: string

name: outputs

View Bundle Outputs with Porter

$ porter bundle show

  Name                 Type    Value
  STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY  string  JKb9C+J+nFtGrDyBW4Y0zaIK5hzIvi2gW3SfnmnkcunyXSYV3HucQGNIo...

name: dockerfile

Custom Dockerfile

Specify a custom Dockerfile for the invocation image

  • Use a different base image
  • Add users, tweak the environment and configuration
  • Install tools and applications

⚠️ You are responsible for copying files into the bundle into ${BUNDLE_DIR}


dockerfile: Dockerfile.tmpl


FROM debian:stable-slim


RUN apt-get install -y curl


exclude: true

Try it out: Custom Dockerfile

Make a bundle that uses a custom dockerfile template and uses as its base image

  1. Create a porter bundle in a new directory with porter create.
  2. Modify the porter.yaml to uncomment out #dockerfile: Dockerfile.tmpl.
  3. Edit Dockerfile.tmpl to use for the base image.
  4. Edit the install action to run az help.
  5. Build the bundle.
  6. Install the bundle.

Porter’s Default Dockerfile

  • Uses Debian for the base image
  • Installs root ssl certificates

🎩✨ Automatically copies everything into the bundle for you

Actions and Steps


Actions map to the verbs you use when you use Porter.

  • porter install
  • porter upgrade
  • porter uninstall

These are defined in the CNAB specification. You can also define your own actions and run them

$ porter invoke --action myaction


Within an action you can define a series of ordered steps.

  • A step must complete successfully before the next step is executed.
  • A step is defined using a mixin. Each step can use only one mixin. So far we have used the exec mixin that lets you run commands.
  • Mixins must be declared ahead of time in the mixins section of the manifest.

install: # action
  - exec: # step
      description: "Install my application"
      command: bash

Referencing files from the Manifest

We recommend referencing files using relative paths

$ tree
├── Dockerfile
├── porter.yaml
└── scripts
*    └──


  - exec:
      description: Do Things
      command: bash
*        - scripts/

Step Outputs

  • You tell the mixin what data to extract and put into an ouput
  • Each mixin output will look different, but they all require a name
  • Porter stores the output value, making it available to later steps
  • Not all mixins support outputs

exclude: true

Helm Mixin Output

- helm3:
    - name: mysql-password
      secret: mydb
      key: mysql-password

exclude: true

Kubernetes Mixin Output

  - kubernetes:
      description: "Create NGINX Deployment"
        - manifests/nginx
      wait: true
        - name: "IP_ADDRESS"
          resourceType: service
          resourceName: nginx-deployment
          jsonPath: "{.spec.clusterIP}"

name: wiring

Hot Wiring the Manifest

These variables are available for you to use in the manifest:

  • bundle.parameters.PARAMETER_NAME
  • bundle.credentials.CREDENTIAL_NAME
  • bundle.outputs.OUTPUT_NAME

name: templating


Porter uses a template engine to substitute values into the manifest.

  • Needs double quotes around the yaml entry
  • Use double curly braces around the templated value


connectionString: ${}:${bundle.outputs.port}

name: mixins class: center, middle


“Mixins are the lifeblood of Porter.

They adapt between CNAB and existing tools. Porter is just glue.”

Mixins Available Today

  • exec
  • kubernetes
  • helm
  • azure
  • aws
  • gcloud
  • terraform

.center[ ]

name: helm background-image: url(/images/pack-your-bags/helm-mixin.png)

exclude: true

Try it out: Install a Helm Chart

Make a new bundle and install the Helm chart for etcd-operator

  1. Create a porter bundle in a new directory with porter create.
  2. Modify the porter.yaml to use the helm mixin and define credentials for kubeconfig.
  3. Using the helm mixin, install the latest stable/etcd-operator chart with the default values.
  4. Build the bundle.
  5. Generate credentials for your bundle.
  6. Install your bundle.

Installing Mixins

Anyone can make a mixin and have people install it using Porter

porter mixin install terraform

What if I need a mixin that doesn’t exist? 😰

You can always use a custom dockerfile to install the tool you need and then execute the commands with the exec mixin.

Custom mixins are just easier to use, but aren’t necessary.

exclude: true

Make Your Own Mixin

exclude: true

What makes a mixin?

  • Executable written in any language
  • Communicates to Porter on stdin and stdout
  • Supports a few commands: build, schema, install, upgrade, uninstall
  • Translates the steps from the porter manifest to commands against any external tool or service

exclude: true

What mixin would you make?

  • Docker
  • Google Cloud
  • CloudFormation
  • AWS
  • Artifactory
  • Vault
  • Dominos 🍕
  • What else?

exclude: true

Now run your bundle

  • Run porter install --reference [your new tag]

Example tag of cnabaholic/hello-people:latest:

  • Run porter install --reference cnabaholic/hello-people:latest

exclude: true

How does it do that?

  • Updates the bundle with the new images and digests
  • Stores the bundle information as a combination:
    • OCI manifest list annotations to the main manifest list for the tag
    • A new manifest list for the bundle credentials and parameters.
  • When pulling a bundle, it reconstructs it from the parts mentioned above

See OCI Bundle Format for an example.

name: survey

CNAB Tooling and SDKs

  • Porter
  • Docker App
  • Duffle
  • cnab-go

State of CNAB

  • CNAB Core Spec is release 1.0 very soon
  • CNAB Signing Spec is underway
  • Tooling is finishing support for CNAB Core

Questions and Feedback

??? What should someone do if they are interested in CNAB for their work or personal projects? What is the timeline for the project and how should they be thinking about beginning to incorporate it?

Choose your own adventure!

  • ASCII Art Gophers - workshop/asciiart
  • Create a MySQL on Azure - workshop/porter-tf-aci
  • Manage VMs with gcloud - workshop/gcloud-compute
  • Manage Buckets with aws - workshop/aws-bucket