Porter ParameterSet File Format 1.0.1

Porter ParameterSet File Format 1.0.1

Parameter sets can be defined in either json or yaml. You can use this json schema to validate a parameter set file.

Supported Versions

Below are schema versions for parameter sets, and the corresponding Porter version that supports it.

Schema Type Schema Version Porter Version
ParameterSet (none) v0.38.*
ParameterSet 1.0.1 v1.0.0-alpha.1+

Sometimes you may want to work with a different version of a resource than what is supported by Porter, especially when migrating from one version of Porter to another. The schema-check configuration setting allows you to change how Porter behaves when the schemaVersion of a resource doesn’t match Porter’s supported version.


schemaType: ParameterSet
schemaVersion: 1.0.1
name: myparams
namespace: staging
  team: redteam
  owner: xianglu
  - name: color
      value: red
  - name: log-level
      env: LOG_LEVEL
  - name: connStr
      secret: my-connection-string
Field Required Description
schemaType false The type of document.
schemaVersion true The version of the Parameter Set schema used in this file.
name true The name of the parameter set.
namespace false The namespace in which the parameter set is defined. Defaults to the empty (global) namespace.
labels false A set of key-value pairs associated with the parameter set.
parameters true A list of parameters and instructions for Porter to resolve the parameter value.
parameters.name true The name of the parameter as defined in the bundle.
parameters.source true Specifies how the parameter should be resolved. Must have only one child property:
secret, value, env, path, or command