Migrate from Porter v0 to v1

Migrate from Porter v0 to v1

Porter’s data storage backend and format are changing from v0 to v1.0. When you upgrade to Porter v1, you need to migrate both your Porter database and any files that you used with Porter, such as saved parameter or credential sets. This guide will walk you through upgrading your data and documents.

  1. Make a new PORTER_HOME
  2. Install Porter v1
  3. Configure a Secrets Plugin
  4. Configure a Storage Plugin
  5. Validate Your Porter Configuration
  6. Migrate Your Data
  7. View Your Migrated Data
  8. Migrate Standalone Files
  9. Migrate Your Bundles

1. Make a new PORTER_HOME

Porter v1 requires a fresh PORTER_HOME directory. Do not install Porter v1 into an existing v0 PORTER_HOME because the v0 cache files, mixins, and plugins that are stored in your existing home directory do not work with Porter v1.

By default, your PORTER_HOME directory is located at ~/.porter. Locate your PORTER_HOME and move the directory to another location, such as ~/.porterv0

mv ~/.porter ~/.porterv0

2. Install Porter v1

Install the most recent Porter v1 release. The first version of Porter v1 that supports migrating old data from v0 is v1.0.0-beta.1. You may choose to set the PORTER_HOME environment variable to change the default location, or omit setting that environment variable to install Porter v1 in the default directory ~/.porter. The instructions on the installation page have you set PORTER_HOME to avoid accidentally overwriting your v0 directory but once you have moved your old directory it’s safe to use the default installation location for Porter v1.

3. Configure a Secrets Plugin

Porter v1 requires that you configure a secrets plugin. For non-production environments, you may use the filesystem secrets plugin. This stores any sensitive data generated by Porter in your PORTER_HOME directory and is suitable for testing out v1.

Here are secret plugins that we recommend for production use:

For more information on why a secrets plugin is required, and step-by-step instructions to configure one, see Upgrade your plugins to securely store sensitive data.

4. Configure a Storage Plugin

Porter v1 now uses a Mongo database to store its data. The default storage plugin is now the mongodb-docker plugin, which runs a Mongodb server in a container. This plugin is suitable only for trying out Porter, and local development/testing. Production environments should use the mongodb plugin, which stores Porter’s data in an external Mongo database.

In v0, Porter supported storing data with the filesystem plugin, storing data in flat files in your PORTER_HOME directory, which is now deprecated. The Azure Blob and Azure Table storage plugins have been deprecated as well, and instead you should use Azure CosmosDB with the mongodb plugin.

If you would like to use the mongodb-docker plugin (and are not migrating production data), then no further changes are required and you may move to the next step. Otherwise, open your Porter config file located in PORTER_HOME, for example ~/.porter/config.yaml, and configure the storage plugin. Below is an example of how to configure Porter to use an external Mongo database. The example uses an external secret store so that the database connection string is not stored in plain text in the configuration file. You may also use an environment variable, such as ${env.MYDB_CONNSTR}, to provide Porter the connection string.

NOTE: Porter uses the standard mongodb connection string format, which looks like this for a local development server: mongodb://localhost:27017.

# ~/.porter/config.yaml
default-storage: mydb

  - name: mydb
    plugin: mongodb
      # Do not store sensitive data in the Porter config file
      # Use a secret or environment variable instead
      url: ${secret.mydb-connstr}

  - name: mysecrets
    plugin: azure.keyvault
      # Define a secret named "mydb-connstr" in this vault with the mongodb connection string
      vault: myvault

5. Validate Your Porter Configuration

Run porter version to verify that you are using v1 of Porter, and then run porter list and validate that your configuration file is correct. The command should return zero results because you are starting with a new PORTER_HOME and database.

$ porter version
porter v1.0.0-beta.1

$ porter list

6. Migrate Your Data

Finally, you can run the porter storage migrate command to migrate your existing v0 data from your old PORTER_HOME into the new v1 installation of Porter.

porter storage migrate --old-home ~/.porterv0 [--old-account ACCOUNT_NAME] [--namespace DESTINATION_NAMESPACE]

The only required flag is --old-home, which you should set to the location where you moved your v0 PORTER_HOME directory. You may also optionally set --old-account if the data that you want to migrate is not the configured default storage account.

By default, Porter migrates your data into the current namespace, which may be configured in your Porter v1 configuration file or the PORTER_NAMESPACE environment variable. Porter v0 doesn’t have the concept of namespaces, and effectively everything was defined in the global (empty) namespace. We recommend using the --namespace flag and being explicit about where the data should be migrated.

The migrate command may be repeated if it fails, is interrupted when first run, or new v0 data has been added. Porter will restart the migration from the beginning and overwrite any previously migrated records.

🚨 After you start using Porter v1 with the migrated database DO NOT RERUN THE MIGRATION because the migration will overwrite changes made to records in the new v1 database.

7. View Your Migrated Data

After running the porter storage migrate command, use the list commands to view your migrated data:

porter installations list
porter credentials list
porter parameters list

If there are any problems with your migrated data, please open an issue and let us know.

8. Migrate Standalone Files

You may also have standalone files representing parameter and credential sets that require migration before they may be used with Porter v1.

Some of Porter’s commands accept a file argument, such as porter install where you can pass in a file representing a credential or parameter set. We have made slight changes to the file format so that we can support adding new features over time. All files now have a schemaVersion field that declares which schema the document follows. The File Formats page explains the supported schema for each document and which schemaVersion value is compatible with specific versions of Porter.

To migrate a v0 Parameter or Credential set file to the v1 format, add the following field to the document:


  "schemaVersion": "1.0.1",
  "name": "my-secrets"


schemaVersion: 1.0.1
name: my-secrets

No other schema changes were made from v0 to v1 for Parameter and Credential Sets.

9. Migrate Your Bundles

The schema of the porter.yaml file has changed from v0 to v1 to support new features. To upgrade a bundle for use with Porter v1:

  1. Open your porter.yaml file

  2. Add a schemaVersion: 1.0.0-alpha.1 to the top of the file

  3. The tag field has been replaced by reference. We recommend using registry instead of reference, but you may continue to use it to completely control where the bundle is published.

  4. The invocationImage field has been deprecated and is no longer available. Porter now generates the invocation image name using a hash generated from the bundle’s metadata using the following format: BUNDLE_REPOSITORY:porter-HASH. We also no longer push the invocation image to a separate repository, so if you used to rely on the BUNDLE_NAME-installer naming convention, that is not available going forward.

  5. If the bundle defines dependencies, the dependency list has been moved from under dependences to under dependencies.requires, and the reference and version fields moved under a new field bundle.

    # V0 dependency declaration
    - name: mysql
      reference: getporter/mysql:v0.1.3
        database_name: wordpress
        mysql_user: wordpress
    # V1 dependency declaration
        - name: mysql
            reference: getporter/mysql:v0.1.3
            database_name: wordpress
            mysql_user: wordpress

🚨 After you have migrated your bundle to the Porter v1 format, do not forget to bump your bundle version! Do not publish a Porter v1 bundle on top of an existing bundle, otherwise older v0 Porter clients will be unable to use the bundle.